Our Writers

Jarrett Rush has loved words his entire life. He wrote his first story in the second grade. He created a newspaper with a friend in fourth grade. It was written by hand, copied on a Xerox machine, and only lasted one issue, but Reveal was fantastic.

Jarrett began writing seriously in high school, and that’s where he first saw the power of words to inform, educate, and inspire. That’s why he's made words his career, first as a journalist and then as a marketer. But the fiction bug never left, and at the prodding of his wife, Jarrett seriously began to pursue making fiction writing a career.

Jarrett has always loved genre fiction, so that's what he writes, not that he has a choice. It's just what comes out. All of his stories have a little sci-fi in them. A dash of crime, too. And, typically, a touch of noir.